Monday, November 23, 2015

She's making a list, and checking it twice . . .

Is it that time already?

You'd better believe it, Christmas season has well and truly arrived.

In Adelaide, my family always kicked off the festivities with the Christmas Pageant. Only then were we allowed to start talking about the big man in red and the upcoming holidays. Mum put a stop to decorations though - we had to wait until 1 December to put the tree up and then of course, there was the opening of the first advent calendar door that was always a special occasion.

I'm going home this weekend for the cricket (my favourite time of the year) and can't wait to put up the Christmas tree with my niece and nephew at Mum and Dad's house. Then I have to come home and work out how I'll deck out my new little pad - I move into a new flat in two weeks and can't wait to style it up. Pink as far as the eye can see . . . and noone to complain :)

Moving house is always a good excuse to ditch the old and invest in the new. I am sick of living like a uni student in a share house and want to start enjoying the finer things in life. I'll be dusting off my Kate Spade plates and Laguiole cutlery and start living like a grown up for a change! The timing is also perfect to put in some sneaky requests for some home related Christmas presents from the fam.

And so we begin Kate's annual Christmas wishlist. As self indulged and spoilt as it must seem, it's so nice to pretend that money grows on trees!

I'd love a cool new doormat for my new flat. I'm up on the first floor and there are two other doorways in my little alcove so I want to make sure mine is the best dressed! The Woodsfolk have a great range, but there are so many cutesie ones out there.

I've been coveting these Celine sunglasses for a while now and am trying to get Mum to cave and buy them for me before Christmas so I can wear them to the cricket this weekend. She's adamant I need to wait until Christmas #firstworldproblems

Market shopping is one of my favourite things to do in the world. If I could swan around all day with a baguette and bunch of fresh flowers in my basket, I'd be the happiest girl on the planet. Lady Chatterley's Affair has just brought out the most fun Portobello Road Baskets that would make market shopping such an adventure. I've got my eye on the pink and green one (aka 'Watermelon Fizz') #hinthint

Food is always a safe bet with me as a gift. I love to give it and I love to receive it. I'm desperate to try out a famous Lune croissant and am psyching myself up to battle the early morning crowds over Summer. I'm trying to work out the best way to get around the queues and think maybe I've struck gold - a Lune Lab experience. Did someone say three courses of croissants? Yes please!

I'm all out of perfume and I feel like a half human. Dramatic, yes. Time to restock my Jo Malone English Pear and Freesia - let's go for the big bottle this time!

I am desperate for some new champagne flutes. Now that I'll be out on my own and it will be so much easier to entertain, I'll need some nice flutes for all that cheersing! I adore the stemless variety they use at Ombra. Can someone kindly track them down for me, please? And the recipe for the eggplant fritte while you're at it!

I'm loving my Spotify beats like noone's business and am struggling with the playback through my handset. Time to invest in some proper speakers - my old ones were for an ancient iPad and my new phone doesn't fit. Apple is infuriating like that. These Bose ones will do just nicely!
My current laundry bag is . . . my bedroom floor so it's time to get my grown up on and invest in some proper storage solutions. I'm open to suggestions, but I want it to look pretty in my room. Not like the blue, white and red striped bogan bag I use when Mum and Dad come to visit (because surely that's a step up from the floor?).

And there we have it. Kate's epic wish list for Christmas 2015.

I might add a few more down the track but it's a start (are you reading this, Mum?)


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I do hope you've enjoyed your little venture into The Polkadot Pantry xo