Tuesday, January 13, 2015


A quick debrief on my Christmas haul (because we all loved my annual wish list, oui?!) ...

I was a very good girl and Father Christmas was uber kind.

Look what he left under the tree!

Nespresso, Kate spade and my girl Sam. Nailed it, big man!

I was ridiculously spoiled by friends and fam and won't go into detail with a list of gifts but more than anything, above and beyond the material possessions, I'm very grateful for the time everyone gave me over Christmas - time with my niece and nephew, time with my grandparents, time with my friends and their new bubs, time with my pregnant gal pals, time with old workmates, time with my parentals, time with my godchildren and time with the bride. This is what I'll cherish from my two weeks home.

That, and the coffee ;)

I hope you all had lovely holidays and took time out to spend with loved ones.


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