Monday, September 27, 2010

And breathe . . .

OMG. What a crazy few weeks. Good few weeks, but crazy.

My computer has hated me and has been doing funny things so I've been denied access to my little polkadot pantry - how time flies!

So, to bring you up to speed . . . I've been to Darwin to visit the gorgeous Bree, had my first Opera experience, celebrated the exciting news I'm going to be an aunty, over-indulged on Grand Final day (oh, to think we have to do it all again this weekend!) and had a wee little romance to keep things interesting!

I can smell Spring in the air - the days are lasting longer and it's not so hard to get out of bed.

Life is good.


1 comment:

Life in the Country Lane said...

Sounds like you have been having some fun! Congratulations on soon becoming an aunty. Have a lovely week - go the romance!