Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Girl crush

There's nothing better than a good girl crush.

You know, in an innocent 'we-love-kate-middleton' kind of way (as opposed to a distrubing 'single white female' kind of way!)

My latest crush is anne m cramer.

Not only is she a fabulous designer, but hello!? Check out her 'things i love'.

Could she sound any cooler . . .

all about anne

things i love.

in no particular order.

chocolate. coffee.
my grandmother.
children. sterling silver.
open windows. jackie o.
pixie stix. any shade of blue.
the inner circle. my mom. soft towels.
white tulips. bad 80's music.
my boys. silver glitter.
satin ribbon. room service.
french fries. freckles on a child's nose.
disco. my adorable hubby.
black cars. cotton underpants.
oatmeal. flip-flops.
a clean house. dinner parties.
nude nail polish. vw karmann ghia.
my sister. a good bra.
going out for dinner.
sidewalk chalk. ping-pong.
magazines. birthdays.
fancy french chandeliers.
vintage pearls. pedicures. life cereal.
my dad. cashmere. the great gatsby.
jack purcells.
west palm beach.

this life.


1 comment:

Gild and Grace said...

I see the reason for your crush Kate! Wise words and fabulous clothes!!

Abbey x